Retro Video Game Nights

Beer and video games! Could there be any better way of spending an evening?

Started doing 'Retro Video Game Nights' at the Centre for Computing History back in 2013, now doing some smaller ones with my own little collection of retro systems and games. Most of these events involve Lord Conrad's Brewery and Ian Guebert aka The Games Master.

For future events please check my other site:

Here are a few words and photos from previous evenings...

Date: 9th December 2016
Tournament: Dr. Mario (NES)
Tournament Winner: M.D. Duncan

The 2016 Christmas Edition of the Retro Night, I was unable to be there unfortunately but it was a good night by all accounts, and the first one where we had an actual bar, courtesy of Lord Conrad.

Retro Video Game Night December 2016

Retro Video Game Night December 2016

Retro Video Game Night December 2016

Retro Video Game Night December 2016