We've actually got a rare bit of down time at the moment, Dave's doing his Game Jar stuff, Paul's off touring one of his plays and as for me, I've been working on a few new demos but I've also been co-creating a video game for the Raspberry Pi. If you've come along to our stand at any of the previous retro gaming expos then chances are you've already had a go on Lunar Panda. The game is based loosely on Lunar Lander (hence the name) and we're giving it away for free along with the source code. Feel free to check it out at: www.GimpySoftware.com

All the artwork for the game was created by Jose Cubero, who also did our animated music videos, God's Front Porch and Animal. I've been doing a lot of the music, sound effects and a little bit of coding here and there whilst Dean "Carmack" Edis has been flexing his brain on a regular basis doing all the "proper hard" stuff like animation, collision detection and some even lightning effects for the upcoming XBox/PC version.

Oh and check out the awesome trailer that Jose made for it!