Friday 8th November 2024

The Hub, Cambourne

Acoustic Gig Featuring MJ Hibbett & Retro Gaming Evening.

Special thanks to:

Duncan Corps
Thomas Henninger
Jon Veal
James Morris
Simon Morgan
Jimmy Angelakos
Felice - Maggie Team

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(Most Fridays @ 8pm)

If you're on social media or a backer of the Kickstarter then you'll probably know that I've been hard at work on the new solo album 'Psychopaths Dream in Black and White'. If you're not however, but you are checking this site periodically, then you may think it's all gone a bit quiet. I haven't actually added any content since October but I'm rectifying that now with some of my downtime.

The new album's slowly taking shape at Half Ton Studios. Chord structures have been crafted, lyrics have been written, songs have been chosen, my programmed drums have been replaced with proper drums and I've even managed to find a bassoon player for one track. There's still a lot more to do but it is getting there and it's sounding pretty good even if I do say so myself.

Lyrically it's a slight departure from the last album and themed around the psychopathic tendencies of two individuals. Although saying that I believe that some of the traits of these two individuals could very possibly be attributed to some of my "retro heroes". More likely the ones that are still going today and have some amount of business aptitude. Some anecdotes of which have kind of worked there way it there. Some influences include American Psycho, Kill Your Friends, Wall Street, Mad Men (a line of Peggy Olson's dialogue ended up in one song), The Psychopath Test, Steve Job's biography and lots more. But that's all I can think of right now.